The pest to look out for this spring is Little Black Ants. These pesky little bugs are harmless despite their stingers (that are way to small to pierce skin!), but they do cause quite an annoyance.  Little Black Ant workers are only 1-2 mm long and can squeeze through any tiny space to get into your home. They will most likely make they’re way to your kitchen pantry, but you might find them wandering about in bedroom’s looking for snack stashes. It is normal to catch a trail of them, which is worker ants that are foraging food to take back to the nest. The queen Little Black Ant can get up to 5 mm, which is more than double that of one of her workers; yet is still incredibly small! Ants are very social insects that live in communities underground. They are very organized creatures that work to keep the colony alive. It is unfortunate that they wander into homes and businesses where they are not wanted, but the queen is always kept safe.

The best ways to get rid of Little Black Ants is with exclusion (filling any exterior holes) and help from a trained pest control professional. Several methods should be used in conjunction to rid your house of ants, including insecticides labeled for ants, an exterior granular treatment and ant baits. Regular treatments to follow may be necessary to keep the ants away for good.

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